This might be the largest and most glorious city on Gor. It is situated low in the temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere. The city is located south of the Vosk River and north of the Cartius River. Ar claims the land between the Vosk and the Cartius. Ar tarnsmen do not fly south of the Cartius. There is a swamp forest to the north border of Ar. Ar is the hereditary enemy of Ko-ro-ba. It is also an enemy of Cos and Tyros. Ar claims the southern shore of the Vosk. As Ar has no port, the Vosk is very important. Ar is a central city containing the Home Stones of a dozen other cities. It has become an empire. It is composed of more than a hundred thousand cylinders and bridges. Its population is thought to be about two to three million free people.
One popular account has it that an ancient hero, Hesius, once performed great labors for Priest-Kings, and was promised a reward greater than gold and silver. He was given, however, only a flat piece of rock with a single character inscribed upon it, the first letter in the name of his native village. He reproached the Priest-Kings with their niggardliness, and what he regarded as their breach of faith. He was told, however, that what they gave him was indeed worth far more than gold and silver, that it was a ‘Home Stone.’ He returned to his native village, which was torn with war and strife. He told the story there, and put the stone in the market place.
“If the Priest-Kings say this is worth more than gold and silver,” said a wise man, “it must be true.”
“Yes,” said the people.
“Whose Home Stone is it?” asked the people, “yours or ours?”
“Ours.” responded Hesius.
Weapons were then laid aside, and peace pledged. The name of the village was Ar.”
Dancer of Gor, page 302
Ar’s station
This was established around 10114 C.A., by the city of Ar, as an outpost and trading station on the south bank of the Vosk River. It commands the northern terminus of the Viktel Aria (Ar’s Triumph), also known as the Vosk Road.
…I understood that Brundisium was one of the largest and busiest ports of this world. It was a commercial metropolis of sorts….
Dancer of Gor, page 147
This city is an ally of Ar and an enemy of Corcyrus and Cos. Argentum is very southwest of Ar. Cladius is Ubar of Argentum. The city claims ownership of nearby silver mines that might be as rich as those of Tharna.
This is a free coastal port which make commerce possible with Cos and Tyros and the land based cities. The people are brown skinned. It was struck by a plague for a couple years.
“My four commercial voyages had been among the exchange islands, or free islands, in Thassa, administered as free ports by members of the Merchants. There were several such islands. Three, which I encountereed frequently in my voyages, were Teletus, and, south of it, Tabor, named for the drum, which it resembles, and to the north, among the northern islands, Scagnar. Others were Farnacium, Hulneth and Asperiche. I did not go as far south as Anango or Ianda, or as far north as Hunjer or Skjern, west of Torvaldsland. There islands, with occasional free ports on the coast, north and south of the Gorean equator, such as Lydius and Helmutsport, and Schendi and Bazi, make possible the commerce between Cos and Tyros, and the mainland, and its cities, such as Ko-ro-ba, Thentis, Tor, Ar, Turia, and many others.”
Raiders of Gor – pages 137-138
This is a small city within a hundred pasangs of Esalinus and Harfax. It is an ally of Harfax. Besnit does not upkeep its roads in order to isolate itself. It is next to impossible to reach the city in the spring due to the rains
A war which the motivation, again, was almost solely the acquistion of slaves. It had concluded, with a practical victory for Horfax. Bisnit, her walls breeched, had been forced to surrender her slaves and a selection of her high caste daughters to be made slaves, and trained under the women who had formerly been slaves in their own houses. Years later the two cities become allies.
Vagabonds of Gor page 273
This is a port on the coast of Thassa, a hundred pasangs or so south of the Vosk delta. It was initially an ally of Ar but was conquered by Cos during the Cos/Ar war. There are eleven towers in the city and it is one of the largest and busiest ports in its area
.…I understood that Brundisium was one of the largest and busiest ports of this world. It was a commercial metropolis of sorts….
Dancer of Gor, page 147
This is a village in the realm of Tor
As rumor has it, Clearchus was a famous brigand of some two centuries ago who decided to legitimize and regularize his brigandage. He proclaimed his area of operations a ubarate, proclaimed himself its ubar, and then proceeded to impose taxes and levy tolls. Interestingly enough, in time, several cities accorded this ubarate diplomatic recognition, generally in return for concessions on the taxes and tolls. Finally a large force of mercenaries, in the hire of the merchant caste, in a campaign that lasted several months, put an end to the spurious reign of Clearchus, driving him from the forest and scattering his men….
Players of Gor, page 100
This is a city southwest of Ar, and to the east and somewhat north of Argentum. The ocean is more than one thousand pasangs to the west. It was once ruled by Sheila, a Tatrix. It was allied with Cos.
…Two aqueducts now brought fresh water to Torcadino from more than a hundred pasangs away, one from the Issus, a northwestwardly flowing tributary of the Vosk, and the other from the springs in the Hills of Eteocles, southwest of Corcyrus….
Mercenaries of Gor, page 101
This city is within a hundred pasangs of Besnit and Harfax
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located east of Ar’s Station
a political and protective alliance signed by representatives of 19 towns along the Vosk River to promote trade. The members are: Turmuj, Ven, Tetrapoli, Port Cos, Tafa, Victoria, Fina, Ragnar’s Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort’s Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred’s Landing, and White Water. – Guardsman of Gor, Pg. 235
This town is a part of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank and is east of Ar’s Station
I had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing. I had later voyaged down river to Iskander, Forestport, and Ar’s Station. … West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….
Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
Fort Haskins
Located at the foot of the Boswell Pass, this is a military outpost of Thentis though it has now become mostly a trading post
“The next town northward is Fort Haskins,” I said. This lay at the foot of the Boswell Pass. Originally it had been a trading post, maintained by the Haskins Company, a company of Merchants, primarily at Thentis. A military outpost, flying the banners of Thentis, garrisoned by mercenaries, was later established at the same point. The military and strategic importance of controlling the eastern termination of the Boswell Pass was clear. It was at this time that the place came to be known as Fort Haskins. A fort remains at this point, but the name, generally, is now given to the town which grew up in the vicinity of the fort, primarily to the west and south. The fort itself, incidentally, was twice burned, once by soldiers from Port Olni, before that town joined the Salerian Confederation, and once by marauding Dust Legs, a tribe of the red savages, from the interior of the Barrens. The military significance of the fort has declined with the growth of population in the area and the development of tarn cavalries in Thentis. The fort now serves primarily as a trading post, maintained by the caste of Merchants, from Thentis, an interesting recollection of the origins of the area.
Savages of Gor, pages 76-77
Fortress of Saphronicus
This is a small merchant polis and it has four tributary villages
…The journey itself, overland and afoot from Fortress of Saphronicus to Ti, would take several days, but it was ceremonially prolonged in order that the four tributary villages of Fortress of Saphronicus might be visited. It is not unusual for a Gorean city to have several villages in its vicinity, these customarily supplying it with meat and produce….
Slave Girl of Gor, page 111
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar’s Station
I had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing. I had later voyaged down river to Iskander, Forestport, and Ar’s Station. … West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….
Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
This city is within a hundred pasangs of Besnit and Esalinus. It is an ally of Besnit
Harfax had desperate need of an ally, but Besnit, despite the advantages which she stood to reap from such a relationship, given the past, was reluctant to form an alliance. At this point, the young high caste women of Horfax had approached the council of the city with a bold plan. It had been to permit the men of Besnit to make a selection from them, in number of a hundred, the same number which had been that of the high caste daughters earlier taken by the men of Horfax, this hundred thn to be impressed into slavery, trained by the slaves in the houses of Besnitand then to be kept, or sold, or distuluted, as their Masters chose.
Vagabonds of Gor Pg. 273
This is a free coastal port
“My four commercial voyages had been among the exchange islands, or free islands, in Thassa, administered as free ports by members of the Merchants. There were several such islands. Three, which I encountereed frequently in my voyages, were Teletus, and, south of it, Tabor, named for the drum, which it resembles, and to the north, among the northern islands, Scagnar. Others were Farnacium, Hulneth and Asperiche. I did not go as far south as Anango or Ianda, or as far north as Hunjer or Skjern, west of Torvaldsland. There islands, with occasional free ports on the coast, north and south of the Gorean equator, such as Lydius and Helmutsport, and Schendi and Bazi, make possible the commerce between Cos and Tyros, and the mainland, and its cities, such as Ko-ro-ba, Thentis, Tor, Ar, Turia, and many others.”
Raiders of Gor – pgs. 137-138
This is a free coastal port
Dietrich of Tarnburg, of the high city of Tarnburg, some two hundred pasangs to the north and west of Hochburg, both substantially mountain fortresses, both in the more southern and civilized ranges of the Voltai, was well-known to the warriors of Gor….
Mercenaries of Gor, page 31
Located one hundred pasangs south of the Vosk, this is the winter camp of the forces of Ar
“The report claims they are in winter quarters at Holmesk, one hundred pasangs south of the Vosk.”
Renegades of Gor, page 189
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is east of Ar’s Station and Forest Port
I had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing. I had later voyaged down river to Iskander, Forestport, and Ar’s Station. … West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar’s Station, Jort’s Ferry and Point Alfred.
I had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing. I had later voyaged down river to Iskander, Forestport, and Ar’s Station. … West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river…. Rogue of Gor, pages 62 -63
Jort’s Ferry
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank and is west of Ar’s Station
I had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing. I had later voyaged down river to Iskander, Forestport, and Ar’s Station. … West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….
Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
This town is the easternmost town at the foot of the Thentis mountains. It lies almost at the edge of the Ihanke, or Boundary, which marks the start of the lands of the red savages. The Administrator is a Merchant named Publius Crassus. Its major business is in hides and kaiila
…Kailiauk is the easternmost town at the foot of the Thentis mountains. It lies almost at the edge of the Ihanke, or Boundary. From its outskirts one can see the markers, the feathers on their tall wands, which mark the beginning of the country of the red savages.
Savages of Gor, page 77
This is a river port on the Lower Fayeen. It is downriver from Kurtzal and west of Tor. It is famed on Gor for its production of red salt. The salt is brought in from secret pits and mines in heavy cylinders on pack kaiila.
…West of Tor, on the Lower Fayeen, a sluggish, meandering tributary, like the Upper Fayeen, to the Cartius, lay the river port of Kasra, known for its export of salt….
Tribesmen of Gor, pages 32-33
This is a town at the northern brink of the great forests of Gor. It is northwest of the Thentis mountains. It is the seat of the High Initiate of the north who claims spiritual sovereignty over Torvaldsland. The town is constructed mostly of wood. The temple is the greatest building in the town. The town is surrounded by a wall with two gates. One large gate faces the inlet, leading in from Thassa. The small gate leads to the forest behind the town. Its main business is trade, lumber and fishing. The trade is largely in furs from the north, exchanged for weapons, iron bars, salt and luxury items from the south. It has a population of about eleven hundred people. Gurt is the Administrator of Kassau
Kassau is a town of wood, and the temple is the greatest building in the town. It towers far over the squalid huts, and stabler homes of merchants, which crowd about it. Too, the town is surrounded by a wall, with two gates, one large, facing the inlet, leading in from Thassa, the other small, leading to the forest behind the town. The wall is of sharpened logs, and is defended by a catwalk. The main business of Kassau is trade, lumber and fishing. The slender, striped parsit fish has vast plankton banks north of the town, and may there, particularly in the spring and fall, be taken in great numbers. The smell of the fish-drying sheds of Kassau carries far out to sea…. The population of Kassau I did not think to be more than eleven hundred persons…
The most important thing about Kassau, however, was that it was the seat of the High Initiate of the north. It was, accordingly, the spiritual center of a district extending for hundreds of pasangs around…
Marauders of Gor, pages 27-28

This city lies northwest of the Thentis Mountains. The Sardar is over one thousand pasangs away. It is also northwest of Ar, across the Vosk. Ko-ro-ba is an archaic expression for a village market. The city is also known as the Towers of the Morning. Its Administrator is Matthew Cabot, the father of Tarl Cabot. He was Earth-born and has been alive since before 1640 A.D. He was the Ubar at one time. The city was destroyed by the Priest-Kings once but was permitted to be rebuilt
Ko-ro-ba lay in the midst of green and rolling hills, some hundreds of feet above the level of the distant Tamber Gulf and that mysterious body of water beyond it, spoken of in Gorean simply as Thassa, the Sea. Ko-ro-ba was not set as high and remote as for example was Thentis in the mountains of Thentis, famed for its tarn flocks, but it was not a city of the vast plains either, like the luxurious metropolis of Ar, or of the shore, like the cluttered, crowded, sensuous Port Kar on the Tamber Gulf. Whereas Ar was glorious, a city of imposing grandeur, acknowledged even by its blood foes; whereas Thentis had the proud violence of the rude mountains of Thentis for its setting; whereas Port Kar could boast the broad Tamber for her sister, and the gleaming, mysterious Thassa beyond, I thought my city to be truly the most beautiful, its variegated lofty cylinders rising so gently, so joyfully, among the calm, green hills.An ancient poet, who incredibly enough to the Gorean mind had sung the glories of many of the cities of Gor, had spoken of Ko-ro-ba as the Towers of the Morning, and it is sometimes spoken of by that name. The actual word Ko-ro-ba itself, more prosaically, is simply an expression in archaic Gorean referring to a village market.
Outlaw of Gor, pages 39-40
This village is north of Tor. It is little more than a loading and shipping point on the Lower Fayeen
…From Kasra I had taken a dhow upriver on the Lower Fayeen, until I reached the village of Kurtzal, which lies north, overland, from Tor….
Tribesmen of Gor, pages 41
This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It is located at the confluence of the Vosk and Olni Rivers
Lara lies between the Olni and the Vosk, at their confluence. It is regarded as being of great strategic importance. It could, if it wished, prevent Olni shipping from reaching the markets of the Vosk towns, and, similarly, if it wished, prevent shipping from these same towns from reaching the Olni markets. Overland shipping in this area, as is generally the case on Gor, is time consuming and costly; also, it is often dangerous. It is interesting to note that the control of piracy on the Olni was largely a function of the incorporation of Lara in the confederation. This made it difficult for the pirate fleets, following their raids, to descend the Olni and escape into the Vosk….
Fighting Slave of Gor, pages 171-172
This city is northeast of Koroba, on the banks of Laurius river. It is two hundred pasangs inland from the Thassa coast. It is a small trading city. The city consists mostly of warehouses and taverns, a clearing house for many goods. It is the only civilized area in the region. Mostly rough goods sold in the city as there is little market for the more exquisite goods of Gor
…He was bound, traveling over the hills and meadowlands east and north of Ko-ro-ba, for the city of Laura, which lies on the banks of the Laurius river, some two hundred pasangs inland from the coast of the sea, called Thassa. Laura is a small trading city, a river port, whose buildings are largely of wood, consisting mostly it seems of warehouses and taverns. It is a clearing house for many goods, wood, salt, fish, stone, fur and slaves….
Captive of Gor, page 59
This is a free coastal port controlled by the Merchant Caste. It is located at the mouth of the Laurius River where it empties into Thassa. It is one of the few cities in the north with public baths. It also has the only mint within one thousand pasangs of Torvaldsland. Many cities maintain warehouses and small communities in Lydius. Many goods, particularly wood, wood products and hides, make their way westward on the Laurius, eventually landing at Lydius. The first major town east of Lydius is Vonda on the Olni River
“Lydius is a bustling, populous trade center located at the estuary of the Laurius River. Many cities maintain warehouses and small communities in Lydius. Many goods, in particular wood, wood products, and hide, make their way westward on the Laurius, eventually landing at Lydius, later to be embarked to the south on ships of various cities, lines and associations. The population of Lydius, as one might expect, is a mixed one, consisting of individuals of various races and backgrounds.” Players of Gor, page 12
Market of Semris
This town is located about two days southeast of Samnium. It is well known for its sales of tarsks.
We were not in Samnium, but in Market of Semris. This is a much smaller town, south, and somewhat to the east, of Samnium. It is best known, interestingly enough, ironically enough, as an important livestock market. In particular, it is famed for its sales of tarsks. Too, of course, there are markets here for slaves.
Dancer of Gor, page 106
This is a village under the control of Ar.
By order of Rask of Treve they, by their skill in weapons and their mastery of the techniques and lore of the hunt, and pretending to be of Minus, a village under the hegemony of Ar, made petition, and successfully so, to participate in the retinue of the great Ubar….
Captive of Gor,page 298
Point Alfred
This town is a part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar’s Station and Jort’s Ferry.
West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river…. Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
Port Cos
This town is a part of the Vosk League. It was founded by settlers from Cos over a century ago. It is a colony whose ties to Cos are largely historical and cultural. Many officers of Port Cos were native Cosians, mercenaries or veterans of the Cosian navy. It also has its own Home Stone. It is located west of
The harbor of Port Cos is huge. As you enter the harbor, with the docks still 300 yards away, the Pharos is still a pasang away behind and to port Renegades of Gor, page 425
Port Kar
This city is also known as the Tarn of the Sea, the Scourge of Thassa and the Dark Jewel in her gleaming green waters. It is located in the northwest portion of the estuary of the Vosk. On one side is the delta and on the other is the strong tides of the Tamber Gulf. It is known as a den of pirates, and its name is a synonym for cruelty and piracy. Their fleets range from the Ta-Thassa Mountains of the South to the ice lakes of the north, and westward beyond Cos and Tyros. The delta is Port Kar’s best defense. It is very difficult to bring large armies through the delta. The nearest solid land is one hundred pasangs to the north and that land lays hundreds of pasangs from the nearest city. The Home Stone of Port Kar was created in 10120 C.A. The slave Fish was sent to find a rock in the streets of Port Kar. He brought back a common rock, bigger than a fist, gray and heavy. Tarl Cabot carved the initials of Port Kar in block script on the rock. The people of port Kar accepted it as their Home Stone.
I was in the delta of the Vosk, and making my way to the city of Port Kar, which alone of Gorean cities commonly welcomes strangers, though few but exiles, murderers, outlaws, thieves and cutthroats would care to find their way to her canaled darknesses.
Raiders of Gor, pages 5-6Port Kar, squalid, malignant Port Kar, scourge of gleaming Thassa, Tarn of the Sea, is a vast, disjointed mass of holdings, each almost a fortress, piled almost upon one another, divided and crossed by hundreds of canals…….It is, in effect, walled, though it has few walls as one normally thinks of them. Those buildings which face outwards, say, either at the delta or along the shallow Tamber gulf, have no windows on the outward side, and the outward walls of them are several feet thick, and they are surmounted, on the roofs, with crenellated parapets. The canals which open into the delta of the Tamber were, in the last few years, fitted with heavy, half-submerged gates of bars….
Raiders of Gor, page103
Port Olni
This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It is located on the Olni River.
The expression ‘Saleria’, doubtless owing its origin to the meadow of Salerius, is used broadly, incidentally, to refer to the fertile basin territories both north and south of the Olni, the lands over which the confederation professes to maintain a hegemony. The meadow of Salerius, thus, lies on the northern bank of the Olni, between Port Olni and Vonda; the area called Saleria, on the other hand, is, in effect, the lands controlled by the confederation. Ti, Port Olni and Vonda lie on the northern bank of the Olni; Lara lies between the Olni and the Vosk, at their confluence. It is regarded as being of great strategic importance. It could, if it wished, prevent Olni shipping from reaching the markets of the Vosk towns, and, similarly, if it wished, prevent shipping from these same towns from reaching the Olni markets. Overland shipping in this area, as is generally the case on Gor, is time consuming and costly; also, it is often dangerous. It is interesting to note that the control of piracy on the Olni was largely a function of the incorporation of Lara in the confederation. This made it difficult for the pirate fleets, following their raids, to descend the Olni and escape into the Vosk…. Fighting Slave of Gor, pages 171-172
Ragnar’s Hamlet
This town is a part of the Vosk League. It is located far west of Ar’s Station. It is a good-sized town.
…Ragnar’s Hamlet began as a small village and, from this central nucleus, expanded.
Rogue of Gor, pages 61-62
This tiny village is located south of the Vosk and near the shores of Thassa.
…The tiny village, Rarir, in which she had been born, lay south of the Vosk, and near the shores of Thassa. Captive of Gor, page 232
This small city is noted for its copper mining. It lies southeast of Tharna.
…He had won her in Girl Catch, in a contest to decide a trade dispute between two small cities, Ven and Rarn, the former a river port on the Vosk, the second noted for its copper mining, lying southeast of Tharna…. Beasts of Gor, page 41
Raymond, a mercenary captain is from here.Rorus
This is a village on the route to Rarir.Sais
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar’s Statio, Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, and Siba.
I had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing. I had later voyaged down river to Iskander, Forestport, and Ar’s Station. … West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river…. Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
Salerian Confederation
It is also known as the Four Cities of Saleria. The Confederation consists of the cities of Ti, Vonda, Port Olni and Lara. All four cities lie on the Olni River. The Confederation is a growing power in the north. Ti is farthest from the joining of the Olni and Vosk Rivers. Port Olni is next in line, then Vonda and Lara. Lara lies at the junction of the Olni and Vosk. The Olni River is mostly free of pirates. The Confederation got its name because the oath of the league was signed in the meadow of Salerius on the northern bank of the Olni between Port Olni and Vonda. The largest and principal city is Ti. The Confederation maintains close relations with Cos due to their mutual distrust with Ar.
This city is some two hundred pasangs east and a bit south of Brundisium. It is an ally of Cos.
We were not in Samnium, but in the Market of Semris. This is a much smaller town, south, and somewhat to the east, of Samnium. It is best known, interestingly enough, ironically enough, as an important livestock market. In particular, it is famed for its sales of tarsks….
Dancer of Gor, page 106Schendi
This is the infamous port of the black slavers of Schendi, the League of Black Slavers. They are pirates and known for their cruelty on shipping. The city is an equatorial free port and ships going to and from Schendi are safe. The slaving is commonly restricted to the high seas and coastal towns well north and south of Schendi. Schendi has a population of about a million, most being black. Its waters are open to shipping year round.
Many goods pass in and out of Schendi, as would be the case in any major port, such as precious metals, jewels, tapestries, rugs, silks, horn and horn products, medicines, sugars and salts, scrolls, papers, inks, lumber, stone, cloth, ointments, perfumes, dried fruit, some dried fish, many root vegetables, chains, craft tools, agricultural implements, such as hoe heads and metal flail blades, wines and pagas, colorful birds and slaves. Schendi’s most significant exports are doubtless spice and hides, with kailiauk horn and horn products also being of great importance. One of her most delicious exports is palm wine. One of her most famous and precious exports are the small carved sapphires of Schendi. These are generally a deep blue, but some are purple and others, interestingly, white or yellow. They are usually carved in the shape of tiny panthers, but sometimes other animals are found as well, usually small animals or birds. Sometimes however the stone is carved to resemble a tiny kailiauk or kailiauk head. Slaves, interestingly, do not count as one of the major products in Schendi, in spite of the fact that the port is the headquarters of the League of Black Slavers. The black slavers usually sell their catches nearer the markets, both to the north and south. One of the major markets, to which they generally arrange for the shipment of girls overland, is the Sardar Fairs, in particular that of En’Kara, which is the most extensive and finest. This is not to say of course that Schendi does not have excellent slave markets. It is a major Gorean port. The population of Schendi is probably about a million people. The great majority of these are black. Individuals of all races, however, Schendi being a cosmopolitan port, frequent the city.
Explorers of Gor, page115
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located west of Ar’s Station, Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, and Jasmine.
… West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….
Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located far west of Ar’s Station.
… West of Ar’s Station on the river I had visited Jort’s Ferry, Point Alfred, Jasmine, Siba, Sais, and Sulport. I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….
Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
Tabuk’s Ford
This is a large village located in the basin area of the Verl River. It is four hundred pasangs generally north and slightly west of Ar. It is twenty pasangs west of the Vosk Road. The village contains about forty families. Thurnus is the peasant caste leader and Melina is his free companion. It is a rich village known for sleen breeding.
…Tabuk’s Ford was a large village, containing some forty families; it was ringed with a palisade, and stood like a hub in the midst of its fields, long, narrow, widening strips, which radiated from it like the spokes in a wheel. Thurnus tilled four of these strips. Tabuk’s Ford receives its name from the fact that field Tabuk were once accustomed, in their annual migrations, to ford the Verl tributary of the Vosk in its vicinity. The Verl flows northwestward into the Vosk. We had crossed the Vosk, on barges, two weeks ago. The field Tabuk now make their crossing some twenty pasangs northwest of Tabuk’s Ford, but the village, founded in the area of the original crossing keeps the first name of the locale. Tabuk’s Ford is a rich village, but it is best known not for its agricultural bounty, a function of its dark, fertile fields in the southern basin of the Verl, but for its sleen breeding. Thurnus, of the Peasants, of Tabuk’s Ford, was one of the best known of the sleen breeders of Gor. Slave Girl of Gor, page 135
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is located far east of Ar’s Station.
I knew something of the Vosk League. Its headquarters was in the town of Victoria, on the northern bank of the Vosk, between Fina and Tafa….
Renegades of Gor, page 346
Tancred’s Landing
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is downriver on the Olni and near Lara. It is located east of Ar’s Station, Forest Port, and Iskander.
… had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing.
Rogue of Gor page 62
This city is a mountain fortress in the southern range of the Voltai. It is about two hundred pasangs northwest of Hochburg. The legendary mercenary captain, Dietrich, is from here.
Dietrich of Tamburg, of the high city of Tamburg, some two hundred pasangs to the north and west of Hochburg, both substantially mountain fortresses, both in the more southern and civilized ranges of the Voltai, was well-known to the warriors of Gor….
Mercenaries of Gor, page 31
A city of unknown location. The mercenary known as Edgar is from this city
This is a small village on route to Holmesk, halfway to the Vosk.Tetrapoli
This polity is part of the Vosk League. It is much further west on the river than Ar’s Station. It began as four separate towns, Ri, Teibar, Heiban and Azdak. Legend states that the towns were formed by four brothers. The towns eventually consolidated into a polity, the four districts maintaining the same names. The expression “tetrapoli” means “four cities” or “four towns.”
…I had stopped also at Hammerfest and Ragnar’s Hamlet, the latter actually, now, a good-sized town. Its growth might be contrasted with that of Tetrapoli, much further west on the river….
Rogue of Gor, pages 62-63
This city was once ruled by a Tatrix and women dominated. A revolution came about though and changed everything. Now, there are very few free women in Tharna. Kron, once a metal worker, is currently the Administrator. Tharna owns many valuable silver mines and is sometimes called he City of Silver.
…In that revolution the gynocracy in Tharna had been overthrown, devastatingly. Even to this day women in Tharna are kept almost uniformly as helpless, abject slaves, the men of Tharna having an excellent memory for history….
Vagabonds of Gor, page 267
This city is remote in the mountains from which it takes its name. It is famed for its tarn flocks. It is one day by tarn from Ko-ro-ba to Thentis, but by wagon it would take the better part of a month. It has some silver mines but they are not as rich as Tharna.
The Older Tarl had told me that Thentis is a city famed for its tarn flocks and remote in the mountains from which the city takes its name…. Tarnsman of Gor, page 67
This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It lies on the Olni River, a tributary of the Vosk, north of Tharna. Ti is ruled by Ebullius Gaius Cassius, an Administrator and Warrior. It is the largest and most populous city of the Salerian Confederation.
The retinue was the betrothal and dowry retinue of the Lady Sabina of the small merchant polis of Fortress of Saphronicus bound overland for Ti, of the Four Cities of Saleria, of the Salerian Confederation. Ti lies on the Olni, a tributary of the Vosk, north of Tharna.
Slave girl of Gor, page 110
This city lies in the northwest corner of the Tahari. It is an opulent city of the desert, well known for its splendors, comforts and pleasures. It is also the principal supply point for the oases communities of the Wastes. The buildings are of mud brick, covered with colored, often flaking, plaster. The buildings are rarely more than four stories high. Thousands of caravan merchants are headquartered here and much of the city is organized to support the caravan trade. The city is built in concentric circles broken by numerous, narrow crooked streets.
Tor, lying at the northwest corner of the Tahari, is the principal supplying point for the scattered oasis communities of that dry vastness, almost a continent of rock, and heat, and wind and sand….
Tribesmen of Gor, page 36
This is a crossroads city located on the flats of Serpeto. It is located at the intersection of various routes, the Genesian, Northern Salt Line (runs east to west), Northern Silk Road (runs south to north), the Pilgrim’s Road (leads to the Sardar), and Eastern Way (also known as the Treasure Road, links the western cities with Ar). It once was an ally of Ar but in the Ar/Cosian war changed sides. Two aqueducts bring water to the city from more than one hundred pasangs away, one from the Issus, a northwestwardly flowing tributary of the Vosk and the other from springs in the Hills of Eteocles, southwest of Corcyrus.
“I see them,” I said. The natural wells of Torcadino, originally sufficing for a small population, had, more than a century ago, proved inadequate to furnish sufficient water for an expanding city. Two aqueducts now brought fresh water to Torcadino from more than a hundred pasangs away, one from the Issus, a northwestwardly flowing tributary of the Vosk, and the other from the springs in the Hills of Eteocles, southwest of Corcyrus. The remote termini of both aqueducts were defended by guard stations. The vicinities of the aqueducts themselves are usually patrolled and, of course, engineers and workmen attend regularly to their inspection and repair. These aqueducts are marvelous constructions, actually, having a pitch of as little as a hort for every pasang.
Mercenaries of Gor, pages 101-102
This is a bandit city located high in the crags of the Voltai. Few know its exact location and it is said you can only reach it by tarn. They do not grow food and raid the harvests of others. They live by plunder. Their tarnsmen rank with those of Thentis and Ko-ro-ba. It is alleged to lie some seven hundred pasangs north of Ar and toward the Sardar. There are no trade routes to the city. It even has some silver mines. It is also known as the Tarn of the Voltai. Merchants and ambassadors are brought to the city only under conduct, hooded and in bonds.
Treve was alleged to lie above Ar, some seven hundred pasangs distant, and toward the Sardar. I had never seen the city located on a map but I had seen the territory she claimed so marked. The precise location of Treve was not known to me and was perhaps known to few save its citizens. Trade routes did not lead to the city and those who entered its territory did not often return.
Priest-Kings of Gor, pages 60-61
This great city is called the Ar of the south. It is located in the southern hemisphere, lying in the midst of huge prairies claimed by the Wagon Peoples. It is a high walled, nine-gated city said to be indolent and luxury-loving. It is ruled by Phanius Turmus. They calculate their years from summer solstice to summer solstice. The true power of Turia lies with the Caste of Merchants.
Hundreds of caravans and thousands of merchants come here each year. It had never been conquered until recently by Kamchak, Ubar of the Wagon Peoples. Much of the city was burned during the conquest but the People departed Turia and allowed it to be rebuilt.
The piercing of the ears of women, only of slave girls, of course, was a custom of distant Turia, famed for its wealth and its nine great gates. It lay on the southern plains of Gor, far below the equator, the hub of an intricate pattern of trade routes….
Captive of Gor, page 160
Caravans with goods tend to travel the western, or distant eastern edge of the Tahari; caravans do, it might be mentioned, occasionally travel from Tor or Kasra to Turmas, a Turian outpost and kasbah, in the southeastern edge of the Tahari, but even these commonly avoid the dune country, either moving south, then east, or east, then south, skirting the sands. Few men, without good reason, enter the dune country. Tribesmen of Gor, page 179
Stones of Turmus
This once was a Turian outpost merchant fort and trading station. It had high white outer walls, over eighty feet high and six towers on the walls. It was eventually burnt by men of Treve.
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is the last major river port on the Vosk before the nearly impassable marshes of the delta. It is on the northern bank of the Vosk.
This small city is part of the Vosk League. It is a river port on the southern bank of the Vosk. It is the last town to the west on the south bank until the delta. Ven is at the junction of the Ta-Thassa Cartius and the Vosk.
Ramus of Tabor, who, with a small expedition, over a period of nine months, fought and bartered his way through the river tribes, beyond the six cataracts, to the Ven highlands. The Thassa Cartius, with its own tributaries, drains the highlands and the descending plains.
Explorers of Gor, page 16
This is a small, exclusive resort city, located about two hundred pasangs north of Ar. It is noted for its fine baths and tharlarion races. Venna has many small and fine shops, catering to the wealthy. The Telluria section, in the northwest part of the city, on a hill, is the preferred residential section.
…Venna is a small, exclusive resort city, some two hundred pasangs north of Ar. It is noted for its baths and its tharlarion races.
Fighting slave of Gor, page 172
This city is the capital of the Vosk League. It is located on the northern bank, east of Ar’s Station. It once was a den of thieves, a market and slave town. Most of the pirates and thieves have been run out of the town. Tasdron is the Administrator.
“Of course, my Master,” she cried suddenly, delightedly. “I have been carried across the threshold. And now I have been put in whipping position! I am being introduced into a house, in which I am to be a slave. My mysterious master must, thus, be of Victoria, or of some other city in which are practiced the customs of the capture carry and initiatory whipping!” The point of these customs, of course, is clear.The girl knows that she is carried into the house as a helpless slave, and then, in the initiatory whipping, learns that it is a house in which she is under discipline. These are thought to be a salutary lessons for a new girl, when she is first introduced into a new house. To be sure, whether in Victoria or not, or in a city with comparable customs, new girls, in one way or another, are usually reminded, promptly and effectively, that their slavery is uncompromising and actual, and that they are fully at the disposition of their masters.
Guardsman of Gor, pages 200-201
This city is part of the Salerian Confederation. It is located downriver of the Olni River. Vonda has no tarnsmen.
I looked about, through the curtain, at the guests of the Lady Florence, other than the Lady Melpomene. The fellow from Venna, clad in white and gold, was Philebus, a bounty creditor. He was known to the merchants of several cities. Such men buy bills at discount and then set themselves to collect, as they can, their face value. They are tenacious in their trade. I did not know the business of the two men from Ar. They were Tenalion, and his man, Ronald. The fourth man was Brandon. He was from Vonda. He was a prefect in that city. His certifications on certain documents would be important. The two ladies, both of Vonda, were Leta and Perimene, both friends of the Ladies Florence and Melpomene. As free citizens of Vonda they could witness legal transactions. Fighting Slave of Gor, page 277
Vosk League
The League was formed in 10127 C.A. and consists of nineteen towns located on the Vosk River. These include Port Cos, Victoria, Turmus, Ven, Tetrapoli, Tafa, Fina, Ragnar’s Hamlet, Hammerfest, Sulport, Sais, Siba, Jasmine, Point Alfred, Jort’s Ferry, Forest Port, Iskander, Tancred’s Landing and White Water. Ar did not permit Ar’s Station to join the League. Its headquarters are in Victoria. Its purpose is to protect against river piracy. After the Vosk League was formed, institutionalized piracy on the Vosk had been largely removed. The topaz used to be a pledge symbol, used among pirates, when combining for massive assaults. The topaz was captured by the Vosk League and now is a private pledge between Port Cos and Ar’s Station. The topaz is broken into two fragments of polished stone. When joined together, the discoloration on each piece make the picture of a river galley.
I knew something of the Vosk League. Its headquarters was in the town of Victoria, on the northern bank of the Vosk, between Fina and Tafa….
Renegades of Gor, page 346
White Water
This town is part of the Vosk League. It is downriver of the Olni and near Lara. It is the farthest east town and is on northern bank.
… had gone from Lara to White Water, using the barge canal, to circumvent the rapids, and from thence to Tancred’s Landing.
Rogue of Gor page 62