“Ko-ro-ba lay in the midst of green and rolling hills, some hundreds of feet above the level of the distant Tamber Gulf and that mysterious body of water beyond it, spoken of in Gorean simply as Thassa, the Sea…
I thought my city to be truly the most beautiful, its variegated lofty cylinders rising so gently, so joyfully, among the calm, green hills. An ancient poet, who incredibly enough to the Gorean mind had sung of the glories of many of the cities of Gor, had spoken of Ko-ro-ba as the Towers of the Morning, and it is sometimes spoken of by that name.”
(Outlaw of Gor, page 39)

The Kaverns welcomes everyone. The warmth of the fires is matched only by the heat of the kajirae, whose bellies and hearts burn with submission and devotion to a degree few can claim. Through these halls, you will hear laughter and happy voices of Free and slave, alike. Respect is demanded, however, and no harm or ill will shall be allowed, for those who smile and beckon you in to visit can also send you away quickly for bringing damage to the peace bred within this Homestone.
A large, well-kept kitchen is to the main hall’s far left. It is stocked with every desire of the Free. Beautiful, sensual kajirae work and serve from here with their heart’s joy. The Grand Hall lies down the corridor and to the right of the kitchen. Here the Masters and Mistresses are catered to by the stunning kajirae that have come to be well known in the Kaverns. Centered in the golden dancing sands, stand four tall temwood poles that have felt the heated flesh of slaves as they writhe in eloquent sensuality for the pleasure of the Free.
Jarl OdinRune’s high pelts lie just to the North of the gleaming firelight allowing Him to survey all that belongs to Him. Magnificent pelts are spread throughout the massive room for other welcomed Guests to relax, or to watch a captivating dance or two.
We wish you safe travels and welcome rest when visiting our Home, Koroban Kaverns.